Saturday, April 9, 2011

No more books.

I've never been not much of a book person, so I don't think that I would miss them that much. I know mostly everyones excuse for not reading is they don't have enough time or they or too busy. But is someone really that busy that they can't take a half hour to hour and just read? I know I'm not that busy and could definitely read for a half hour if I wanted to. Even though I could read I feel like just sitting and reading is not that productive but I guess that goes the same for playing Xbox or watching TV. So i guess I wouldn't miss books that much but I'm sure the people that read everyday would.

I'd imagine a society without books would be like the society in feed. The only people that seemed human were the ones that the ones that didn't have the feed. Everyone else had information spoon fed to them from their feed instead. Today everyone is being fed information as fast as possible by their phone or computer. I think today's life style is beginning to get to fast for books. Everyone just wants to get everything done as fast as possible and get on. This how we metaphorically burn books. Movies are made of the most popular books so we can see the whole story in a matter of hours instead of reading for a few days. Spark notes shorten huge books down to a few pages but still convey all the major points. This is how we're slowly eliminating books from our society.


Friday, April 1, 2011

'Hungry' for More

I first heard of The Hunger Games awhile back. My friend Andrew started reading them then over break my other friend John started reading them too. Both of them said it was a great book, So I figured I would probably enjoy it as well. I was correct and after reading through all of it I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was as easy to read as feed but I thought it was more interesting. Just the Idea of kids fighting other kids is already more interesting than a bunch of rich kids with the internet in their head.

I thought the the beginning of the book started slow, but I knew that this was only set up for the games that took up the other half of the book. I didn't really know how the games were played at first. I thought it was just going to be 1 v 1 until there is only one kid left. If the audience wanted constant action that's the way they should of done it. I thought the way the games were actually portrayed in the book was still pretty interesting though. It was more geared towards survival rather than just killing which made it seem like anyone could win.

I thought the games should of ended with Katniss killing Peeta. Yeah, they were working together the whole duration of the games but when the announcer said that the rule stating that if the two tributes from the same district lives they both win was repealed I was ready for them to both try to kill each other. But then the announcer took it back and I felt like I was cheated out of what could of been the greatest scene of the whole book. Not that I wanted to see any of them die but after all they went everything together it would of been a terrible thing to see them fight to the death, but it would of been great.

My connection is to the video game Call of Duty Black ops. More specifically the game type called one in the chamber. This mode pits 6 players against each other and has them fight with a pistol and a knife until there is only one player remaining. At first glance there is not that much in common with hunger games but I found a few similarities. In addition to playing until all other players are killed, the players ages can be age 12 and up. Also before a game the player bets their virtual currency on how well they will do in the game.  Yeah, these similarities are pretty basic but I guess it shows where mind was at while reading the book.