Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 2.

Today is the second day without my cell phone, Facebook, TV, music, etc. So far it hasn't been too bad. With all the time not wasted on TV/video games and such, I was able to read all of feed before our quiz today. even though I read it in such a short amount of time, I don't feel as though I missed any important concept or part of the plot. That's pretty much all I did yesterday besides clean my room and count up a cup full of change.

I thought that classes would go slower with nothing to look at or respond to every five minutes but they go the same speed no matter what. I just don't like the fact that I don't know what anyone is doing. If I meet someone for lunch now it's by pure coincidence. With the weekend coming up I have no idea where to go "socialize" at. Aside from being completely out of the loop I haven't been that bored, I feel like I've been more productive in these two days then I have been in the first few weeks of the semester. I guess it show's how much time I waste with technology. 

That's pretty much all that has gone on so far. I'm not looking forward to the weekend I'm nearing completion of all the work that's been assigned to me so I don't know what i'm going to do. These first two days have been interesting though. It's a little weird going anywhere alone because at that point no one know's where you are until you meet up with someone you know. Despite it being weird it's also kind of cool. I think of it as  being technologically invisible. All things considered though, I'm enjoying having no technology more than I thought I would.

Here's an interesting story. It literally shows how "attached" people are to their technology. The article is from 2006 so I don't know how credible is but it's semi entertaining!155708/car-crash-victims-arm-found-cellphone-intact

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