Friday, February 25, 2011

Technology has definitely made information more accessible to others, but I don't think that much of our privacy has been lost. If you Google someone's name the odds of it being the exact person you're looking for are extremely high. Obviously more high profile people will be easier to find, but finding a John Smith would take a lot more effort. But Google isn't the only way to find people. Facebook has become the stalkers bread and butter. All you have to to is search a name and look for their picture and if the person isn't too smart they won't change any of their privacy settings. We choose to put what ever we want on the internet and Facebook. If you don't want some corporate viewing a picture of you doing a keg stand then don't put that picture up or change the privacy settings, if you have nothing to hide then it doesn't matter who's looking.

I don't think that giving up minor freedoms for increased security would be bad, but giving away all our freedom for complete security is a terrible Idea. It's like what we were discussing in class on Thursday. Whenever a population has no freedom, what is there to protect. I don't mind getting patted down or being scanned with an x  -ray machine at an air port. It goes back to what I said before, if you have nothing to hide then who cares what they check. I'd rather them scan everyone so we can catch people before something bad happens then have them mosey on through and something terrible happen. I don't think that it takes completely sacrificing a societies freedom to achieve a reasonable amount of security. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I would rather be safe than possibly in danger. If that means airport security going through my suitcase then fine. If you have nothing to hide, who cares?
