Thursday, February 10, 2011

Not Just Another Brick In the Wall

The idea of living in a cabin for a year doesn't sound like that bad of idea. It'd be nice to get away from whatever your doing and relax. If I could find something to do everyday I wouldn't mind, at least I'd be keeping busy. During the winter it would be a little rough just because of the the extreme cold and not being able to do much outside. It would be a physically taxing experience but one I feel would be worth doing, but seeing how the next few years will be pretty important this probably won't happen. In our defense though it would be much easier for Thoreau to complete this task as he has never used our technology or experienced the speed of todays society.

Despite using technology everyday for the last few years I don't think I've become some mindless husk or less of my own person.  I think that not conforming makes a person less efficient. Who would hire someone for a 100k a year job that doesn't know how to operate a cell phone or access the internet.. Just because you use Facebook or own a cell phone doesn't mean that you are, as Pink Floyd would say it "Another brick in the wall". I agree that corporations influence more than we realize, at least it hasn't gotten to the point where we're willing to get lesions just to look cool, like in feed.. But until we get to that point, using technology will not make us less of who we are and it won't take living in a cabin alone to prove it.


  1. I agree that it would be much harder to live in a cabin alone for a year in the world we live in and all the technology we have at this point. I also agree with you that if you do not conform you will get left behind and not be as efficient as others. It is scary to think that if we don't keep up with what is going on around us and all the technology we will be left behind.

  2. I think that it was easier for Thoreau to give up technology than it is for us since he had never used it before. It is a requirement in today's society that we be able to use simple devices like cell phones and computers.

  3. Good for you trying to give up technology for a whole week. During the summer, I think I could do it, but during the school year my phone and lap top are too important to me with school work, and work in general. Our society needs to get away from it, but I don't think our society would function without it.

  4. I think living in a cabin for a year like Thoreau would be a lot more difficult now then it was for him. Even when I think of the few times that I've gone camping, I can think of many of us charging our phones in the car so that we would still be able to make and take calls if need be, or even seeing people watching movies on their laptops in the middle of the woods. It would definitely be interesting to see someone try to do the same thing though.
